Aussie publisher signs up romance novelist

Julie ShacktonJulie Shackton
Julie Shackton
A novelist is celebrating after her latest book was snapped up by one of Australian's most prestigious publishers.

Julie Shackman had previously written two romance novels - ‘Rock My World’ and ‘Hero or Zero’ - which were both released digitally by by London based publishers Not So Noble Books.

But her third work, ‘The Silver Bracelet’, promises to put her into a different league after Allen & Unwin offered her a publishing deal.

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The trained journalist, who also writes verses and captions for greetings cards, got her big break after being signed up by legendary Australian literary agent Selwa Anthony - becoming her first ever Scottish client.

The mum-of-two explained: “I submitted the first ten pages to her and couldn’t believe it when she replied a couple of days later, to say she enjoyed it.

“Selwa said she would get back to me within a couple of weeks and it seemed like the longest two weeks ever, until she e-mailed me on day 12 to say she wanted to offer me representation.

“What makes all this extra special, is that I am the first Scottish author Selwa has signed in her 25 year career.

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“I was amazed and shocked when only about six weeks after signing with her, she contacted me to say that the prestigious publishers Allen & Unwin loved ‘The Silver Bracelet’ and were offering me a publishing deal.

“The idea of having my writing published in paperback is a dream come true.

“I am so grateful to Selwa and my editor Annette for this opportunity and am already busy writing my next romance.

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