Exclusive interview: Motherwell chairman Jim McMahon makes references to Steelmen in his new crime novel

Motherwell chairman Jim McMahon holding his new book Parallax at Fir ParkMotherwell chairman Jim McMahon holding his new book Parallax at Fir Park
Motherwell chairman Jim McMahon holding his new book Parallax at Fir Park
Motherwell FC chairman Jim McMahon has revealed how he has included references to the Fir Park outfit within his first crime novel, ‘Parallax’.

For the man charged with solving the crime is a Motherwell-supporting detective called Scott James – a clear tribute to ex-’Well striker James Scott.

McMahon, 72, who spent several hours writing the book over a two-and-a-half-year period, told the Times and Speaker: “The basic plot of the book is that a good person does a stupid or bad thing and how do they live with it?

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"A golf professional who is happily married with two teenage daughters – his wife and daughters are away for the night – is coming back from the golf course, picks up a hitchhiker, she seduces him.

"Whilst they’re making love she dies. The dilemma is does he phone the hospital, phone the police, admit what’s happened to his wife, his family and his teenage girls or does he try and hide it?

"If he admitted to it, it wouldn’t be much of a story so he decides to hide it.

"When I had the idea I presented this dilemma to a large number of my friends.

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"Eighty per cent of the men interestingly said they would try and cover it up but virtually all the women said they wouldn’t be able to live with themselves. There’s a slight dichotomy between the two sexes there!”

McMahon said he was “reasonably disciplined” during the long hours writing the book.

"I was up early in the morning because I’ve got grandkids now,” he said. “I’m still working, I’ve got a lot of other stuff on, so what I tried to do was set aside two hours maximum and try and concentrate.

"The bit I enjoyed most was the editing, having the first cut and then going back and trying to make it better.

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"I have always loved words and phrases and books. What happens in the book is that the golf pro is on his way to a chip shop in Irvine and decides: ‘No, I’m not going to have chips, it’s not good, I’m going to turn back home and be virtuous.